Friday, November 4, 2011

Tech Tuesdays

This week we had our send Tech Tuesday for elementary teachers in Plymouth-Canton.  It was absolutely amazing!!   Our sessions this time were on blogging and interactive whiteboards.  My best guess is we had in the neighborhood of 60-70 teachers and administators who are passionate about learning and incorporating technology in their classrooms.  It was incredible!!

We had a group of teachers exploring blogs with my friend, MaryBeth (@mbrevesz) and then 4 rooms open with the Interactive White Boards (IWB).  We started the IWB session with everyone in one room talking about the basics and then quickly split into 3 different groups.  Teachers got to choose what room they wanted to go to based on their comfort level with the IWB.  Teachers were super excited to share what they knew and to learn from others!  It was a win-win situation!

I am so blessed to be able to work with some amazing people in planning these Tech Tuesdays...Aimee (@bellarenti), Emily (@everbeke) and Kristi (@kristiberry).  These ladies are incredible and are uber passionate about education and integrating technology! If you aren't following them on twitter yet you need to.

We started a blog as another way to share the great stuff that is happening at TechTuesdays. I can't wait until our next TechTuesday we already have the high school computer lab booked so we can host our very own TechTuesday Showdown.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Melanie,

    My name is Snehal and I’m a former educator. In my current role as the founder & CEO of Sokikom, I get to explore teacher blogs to seek out innovative teachers and strategies to learn from and spread to more classrooms around the country. First, I love how you're also keeping a student blog and enjoy reading your posts!

    As it seems like you’re passionate about integrating technology into the classroom (Tech Tuesdays), I wanted to let you know about Sokikom, which is currently a free online tool teachers use to (1) improve student behaviors and (2) differentiate math instruction. We’ve built Sokikom based on the feedback from teachers - as I browsed through your blog it seemed like you might be interested so I thought I’d pass it along. We’ve gotten an incredible amount of feedback from teachers using our product, but are always looking for new suggestions as well, so if you decide to give it a try, please don’t hesitate to reach out me personally with questions or feedback! (snehalp AT sokikom DOT com)
