Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Our Class Tweets!

One of the "new" things I'm trying this year is a classroom twitter account (@graysfifth).  Each morning I log into our class twitter account on one of class computers.  Then, throughout the day the kids can tweet about what ever they want, when ever they are moved to do so.  So far the kids have tweeted about what they are looking forward to, something they are interesting in, or their favorite part of the day.

We've also been able to connect with other classrooms near and far.  We even connected with a few classrooms from our school district.  When one of my students tweeted about our upcoming math test @FarrandRoom21 tweeted us back.  My kids were so excited that someone read their tweet and asked them a question!

Our classroom twitter feed is also on our class website.  Which gives parents another glimpse into our day.  A few of our parents are even following us and responding to our tweets.

Reading their tweets at the end of the day has become one of my favorite things to do.  It has been incredible to see what they feel inspired to tweet.  It definitely reminds me how important the little things are, even to 5th graders.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is so awesome! It seems like your class really enjoys doing this and sharing their day with the world. It's such a good idea!
