Saturday, May 9, 2015

EdCamp Detroit...Connecting = Invigorating

This week has been a LOOOONNNNNGGGGGG week.  4 weeks of state testing done for two different grade levels wrapping up.  7 different guest teachers and 10 hours of lesson planning done.  I was beyond fried!  I debated staying home today.  Sleeping in.  Snuggling with my 2 1/2 year old.  Being lazy.  But I made a committment to #EdCampDetroit. So, I dragged myself out of bed WAY to early on a Saturday morning and I am so glad I did.

I needed this. I needed #EdCampDetroit. I needed to listen to other teachers share their successes AND their failures.  I needed the rich converstations about kids and learning.  I needed the hugs of old friends. And the smiles of new ones.  I needed to laugh with them. I needed to know I wasn't alone in my struggles.  I needed this....I needed Edcamp Detroit! 

I needed to be refueled by amazing teachers and their stories. I needed to hear about new tools and tricks to try in the classroom.  I am no longer dreading the last few weeks of school. Instead, I am looking forward to them. Looking forward to ending a challenging year on a positive note.  And thanks to EdCampDetroit and the connections I made today I am energized, invigorated and ready to rock the last few weeks of this school year!!!