Tuesday, August 23, 2011

About time!

This blog has been brewing for quiet a while. In fact, since I started my masters program at Michigan State I've had the desire to blog. MSU's Masters in Educational Technology (MAET) program was fantastic and my desire for learning was rejuvenated. During the past three years I have been completely blown away with how much I have learned and amazed at how much more I have to learn. While MAET might have reignited my passion and love for learning; Twitter and the connections that I have made with amazing educators around the globe have kept that passion and desire for learning alive and on fire!

I am so excited that September is almost here! In just a few short weeks I will be welcoming twenty-nine amazing fifth graders to my classroom. I'm looking forward to learning with them and from them throughout the year. So stay tuned for the thoughts and reflections as we make our way through the school year!